티스토리 뷰
for tc in range(1, 1 + int(input())):
n = int(input())
m = []
ps = []
for r in range(n):
l = list(map(int, input().split()))
if 0 < r < n - 1:
for c in range(1, n - 1):
if l[c]:
ps.append((r, c))
# print(ps)
ans = [0, n * n]
st = [(0, 0, 0, m)]
while st:
i, core, wire, m = st.pop()
if i == len(ps):
if core > ans[0] or (core == ans[0] and wire < ans[1]):
ans = [core, wire]
elif n - i + core > ans[0] or (n - i + core == ans[0] and wire <= ans[1]):
st.append((i + 1, core, wire, [l[:] for l in m]))
for dr, dc in ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)):
r, c = ps[i]
r += dr
c += dc
wire2 = wire
m2 = [l[:] for l in m]
while 0 <= r < n and 0 <= c < n and m[r][c] == 0:
m2[r][c] = 1
wire2 += 1
r += dr
c += dc
if r == -1 or r == n or c == -1 or c == n:
st.append((i + 1, core + 1, wire2, m2))
print(f'#{tc}', ans[1])
from random import randrange as rr
n = 100
for _ in range(n):
x = rr(7, 13)
m = [[0] * x for _ in range(x)]
s = {rr(x ** 2) for _ in range(rr(1, 13))}
for i in s:
r, c = i // x, i % x
m[r][c] = 1
for l in m:
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